Digital data is all around us. Examples are cellphones, video games, the internet, the world-wide-web, digital television, and so on. Digital data is a discontinuous, discrete form of representation of information. It only has two values, specifically a zero and a one which is an on and off type of system. Data kind of like jumps from one value to the next in a step-by-step sequence. Like a battery operated clock.


 I feel that I am organized with what time I complete my deliverables. I like to schedule a time specifically to truly concentrate in my work, as though it's an appointment. The way I like to track what's been completed is by writing down a piece of paper what deliverables I need and then I am done with it I cross it off.


 When Dr. Preston was typing what question he had for me I was thinking ok this is going to be good. I was really, I still am really interested and intrigued I immediately went to look on google for different types of business. I actually don't know much about business but this was a great start into the world of business!


 Today I worked on updating my physical, and mental fitness. I worked on posting  STRANGER IS JUST A FRIEND I HAVEN'T MET YET and  I DELIVERED.


Today I talked to my collogue, Diego and Salvador and they told me they use to go to Santa Maria High, the conversation was extremely short because they were uninterested in what I was saying.

My daily routine

 My daily schedule is feeding the chickens, eat breakfast, go to band, Preston's class, work, clean, eat, feed chickens again, make dinner, eat, clean, shower, read bible and sleep. My working routine is not very strong so I don't have anything to say here. 


Would your eight year-old self be proud or disappointed in you?



 The most valuable feedback I have received was in the last semester of OSLA. I remember everyone was giving me feedback on my posts and blog overall and it was nice how I gave them feedback and they gave me feedback. The feedback mattered to me because I needed to know how I was doing on my school work, if I had forgotten a comma, or my spelling was off. All of that really helped me and it made me become better organized and a better student overall.


 What is OSLA about? 

OSLA is an abbreviation for Open-Source Learning Academy. We are online, and we are different in the sense that we don't get graded by a letter. We learn what we are interested in but we connect our interest with history, science, and English. 

What is the easiest part of OSLA?

The easiest part of OSLA is getting there on time, we have a schedule when we first enter our zoom call. We start of by relaxing for two minutes then go on to write our daily journals while hearing some calming music, that's the easiest part of OSLA.

What is the hardest part of OSLA?

The hardest part of OSLA is getting everyone to communicate with each other. I feel like there are some individuals who are so shy that won't even answer a question Dr. Preston, or myself asked. And then there's others who distract me from getting my work done or focus in class.

What have you learned so far?

I have learned that there are ENDLESS rules of law.

What is your big question/ key interest?

My interest for the fall semester of 2021 currently is law, business and social justice.


   For this school year I want to learn about law, business, and social justice. I want to do something with law enforcement when I'm older, and a little business never hurt anybody.

 This picture demonstrates my big question. I am interested in law. I choose this picture because I love equality, and justice.


your time is  like your salary

love what you do, remember why and for who you do it

took care of my chicken (feed them, let them loose, give them fresh water) *because I love them ~SPENDING

showered *because I love me 🥴 ~SPENDING

-breakfeast *survival ~GIVING

band class *something I enjoy ~SPENDING/SELLING

prestons class *needed to but also enjoy to ~SELLING/SPENDING

-made lunch *hungry ~GIVING

cleaned my room *felt guilty and disgusting if I don't ~GIVING

-help clean the living room/kitchen *if not mother will ground me ~SELLING

-watched netflix *tired, and bored ~PASSING

-practiced trumpet *need to since we play tomorrow and friday ~SPENDING

-went to a meeting of sister (back to school night) *was interested in getting know my sisters teacher ~GIVING

-exercised *my physical health ~SPENDING

-dinner *hungry ~GIVING

-listened to some music/relaxed *stressed, felt overwhelmed and a full stomach makes me sleepy ~PASSING

-read chapter 4 of the book *needed to remind me of some powerful tips for success in life ~SELLING

-read my bible *need my spiritual side to stay strong ~SPENDING

-slept *tired, needed to reenergize ~PASSING


The big question that is on my mind has to do something with human behavior, world history and food science. I am really fascinated with chemicals and how the react with other chemicals. This is meaningful to me because I've always been intrigued, and I want to have an idea of what I would like to major in college, to find what I truly love.


 Thinking about time differently can help you achieve your goals because you're more organized about what you are doing throughout your day and it helps you realize that maybe you're using too much time on watching T.V or being on social media.

As I was reading 'Time for Success" I was really intrigued by how Preston says we cannot give 100% of ourselves to more than two things. I also really liked how he gave us steps as to how we can be successful in life by using our time.


 What I anticipate learning this year is life skills and some world history.

 My name is Gabriela Mendoza. This is my second semester at the Open Source Learning Academy. I chose to come back because it was a lot of fun the last semester. I am excited to be in OSLA to learn, to grow as a person. I  love OSLA. Last year's experience was awesome! We learned about digital data, how to plan accordingly, empathy and sympathy, the nutrition label, and we applied for scholarships, learned more about colleges, it had everything. It was fun getting to learn certain things that'll be useful to us in the future.


Digital data is all around us. Examples are cellphones, video games, the internet, the world-wide-web, digital television, and so on. Digita...